Commit 238da3cb by willthames

ec2_elb module: Minor improvements to documentation

ELB(s) cause a weird formatting behaviour - it appears as EL**s**
Added choices documentation to the state option
parent e22af253
......@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@
module: ec2_elb
short_description: De-registers or registers instances from EC2 ELB(s)
short_description: De-registers or registers instances from EC2 ELBs
- This module de-registers or registers an AWS EC2 instance from the ELB(s)
- This module de-registers or registers an AWS EC2 instance from the ELBs
that it belongs to.
- Returns fact "ec2_elbs" which is a list of elbs attached to the instance
if state=absent is passed as an argument.
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ options:
- register or deregister the instance
required: true
choices: ['present', 'absent']
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